Most households these days have dual income sources with both the husband and the wife working. It can get difficult for such couples to think of homeschooling their children as their busy lifestyle clashes with the commitment to teach.
While there is no doubt that it can get difficult, it can certainly be accomplished by a little bit of planning. The first thing that will have to be considered is the number of hours the children will have to be homeschooled per week. Home school schedules are a lot different compared to public school schedules, as the latter involves eight hours of study per day. Homeschooling requires a lot less time each day.
Another thing that you will have to consider is the timing. Is the child old enough to be home alone while you are working? Can you give the student a lesson plan and expect them to have the work done by the time you come back? Can your child study independently? If your answer to the questions is yes then this may be a very easy decision. In case your child is too young to be left alone at home then you may have to think of more creative ways to work things out.
There are numerous ways you can accommodate homeschooling in your schedule. You can accommodate the studies either early morning or evenings. Moreover, you can also increase study hours during holidays or during the weekends to catch up with the syllabus. In fact, most homeschooling families make the most of the Saturdays and Sundays. Also, keep in mind, you will be in charge of the schedule so you can make it any way you wish.
There are numerous online curriculums available for you to choose from that allow you to work at your own pace not following a set schedule. This not only allows your child the educational freedom to work at their level but also offer you with the capability to impart knowledge to your child at flexible timings. Another choice will be going with a library-based curriculum. Numerous resources over the web can be used for such curriculums. Even though such options would necessitate a little more effort and planning from you it can still permit you to set the schedule that will works best for your child and you.
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