Aggression is very common in children. However, while grownups have more control on their behavior, children, can turn violent by indulging in biting, kicking, or hitting.
In case you have a child with a predisposition toward such aggressive behavior, it is important that you assist them in developing self-discipline, judgment, and the capability of expressing his feelings in the right way.
Here are a few ways of doing that:
Set consistent and firm limits.
It is important for children to be aware what kind of behavior is right and what is wrong. Children who hit, kick, or bite should be immediately reprimanded so that they understand precisely what they are doing wrong.
Helping your children in finding new ways to deal with anger.
Encourage your child to express their feelings with words instead of fighting. Ask them calmly to explain the reason for their anger. Speaking about the issue can assist in working through the frustration and help in calming down.
Always reward your little one when they demonstrate nonviolent behavior. You can encourage good behavior through positive reinforcement.
Impart self-control in the child.
Children do not have the capability to control. They have to be taught not to bite, hit and kick every time they feel like it. Children require their parent's guidance for developing the capability of keeping their feelings under control and thinking of their actions before acting on any kind of impulse.
Do not encourage "toughness."
Aggressiveness is induced—particularly in boys. Most parents compliment the child by calling him "tough". This may cause the children to feel that they have to bite and kick to win the approval of their parents.
Don't discipline by spanking.
Some parents tend to punish their children by hitting them. Children who are punished physically can start to believe that this may be the right way of handling people when you do not like their attitude. Physical abuse can cause the child's aggressiveness.
Stay calm.
Let your children see you resolve conflicts in a peaceful and calm manner. Children tend to imitate adults; the way parents handle their own frustration and anger affects teir child. Showing positive stress management skills—Such as, handling a frustrating situation well—then your little one will also act the same way.
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