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Showing posts from September, 2019

Working Full Time while homeschooling

Most households these days have dual income sources with both the husband and the wife working. It can get difficult for such couples to think of homeschooling their children as their busy lifestyle clashes with the commitment to teach. While there is no doubt that it can get difficult, it can certainly be accomplished by a little bit of planning. The first thing that will have to be considered is the number of hours the children will have to be homeschooled per week. Home school schedules are a lot different compared to public school schedules, as the latter involves eight hours of study per day. Homeschooling requires a lot less time each day. Another thing that you will have to consider is the timing. Is the child old enough to be home alone while you are working? Can you give the student a lesson plan and expect them to have the work done by the time you come back? Can your child study independently? If your answer to the questions is yes then this may be a very ...

How to handle your child’s aggression?

Aggression is very common in children. However, while grownups have more control on their behavior, children, can turn violent by indulging in biting, kicking, or hitting. In case you have a child with a predisposition toward such aggressive behavior, it is important that you assist them in developing self-discipline, judgment, and the capability of expressing his feelings in the right way.  Here are a few ways of doing that: Set consistent and firm limits. It is important for children to be aware what kind of behavior is right and what is wrong. Children who hit, kick, or bite should be immediately reprimanded so that they understand precisely what they are doing wrong. Helping your children in finding new ways to deal with anger. Encourage your child to express their feelings with words instead of fighting. Ask them calmly to explain the reason for their anger. Speaking about the issue can assist in working through the frustration and help in calming dow...