A lot of parents think that once they decide to homeschool they should buy tons of curriculum and programs. Before doing so, and perhaps wasting a lot of your hard earned money on something that may not even work, try to know your children. How so they learn best? Are they visual learners? Spend a few days using trial curriculum or browse through a few textbooks. Observe your child very carefully and see the method they are most responsive to. It might take you some time to figure out what works best. Similarly, what may work for you one year, may be completely unsuccessful the next year. Decide on a Schedule After you have made up your mind about a curriculum based on the learning style and needs of your child, you can plan your entire day. Remember, since you are homeschooling , you are no longer tied to a certain schedule or total hours every day. Figure out what will work for your family and you. It will be helpful to decide what subjects you should work on every day....