There is no doubt that teaching a teen or a high school student can be the most nerve wracking. Thankfully, it is not as difficult as you think it to be. In fact, as teenagers have a stronger sense of logic, if taught patiently, they can be the easiest to teach. Here are some tips that can assist you get started! 1. Planning the entire year For ensuring a smooth and easy homeschooling journey, begin with a lot of planning! Start looking at high school curriculums as early as possible. Keep your eyes open for anything related to high school homeschooling from as early as 7 th grade. 2. Choosing electives Electives are an important part of high school. Electives assist children in discovering subjects that are outside of their core subjects. Start by creating a detailed list of electives options for your child. Sit down with your teen and try to narrow down the list by choosing the ones that will really suit their interests, fulfill their high school requirements, and w...