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Showing posts from April, 2019

Making homeschooling a fun and positive experience

Irrespective of where the education of the child takes place, keeping a nurturing and positive learning atmosphere is an important element. Here are a few practical tips that can help homeschoolers provide an enviroment favorable to learning. There are some things that families must do for creating an environment that will be essential to homeschool children. Always see the positive side in the house Attitudes and moods are contagious, so it is very important that you put any negativity aside – whether it’s tension, impatience, or anger – before starting the homeschooling day. Children can very easily pick on your attitudes and get affected. Setting up realistic and practical goals It is very easy to nag with your children: “Finish your book!”, or “Complete your Math problem!” To avoid doing this, you must create a reasonable schedule that the children can follow every day. Establish three to four, realistic and practical goals for your students, and make...

Setting up new goals and resolutions after every academic year

It’s hard to keep resolutions you make for every new homeschooling year, still they are a great way to look forward and plan out things you will like to accomplish in the next twelve months. So set some goals as a homeschooling family that can help you achieve more academically and run a smoother household! Get everyone’s input First, hold a family meeting and make sure everyone is on board. Make sure you have a detailed family discussion about what everyone will like to accomplish. Put up questions such as, “Where would you like to travel this year?” “How do you wish to improve your grades?” “Which areas would you like to improve in your life?” Get practical Once you know what you wish to achieve, break those goals into small, manageable steps. Does the little one wants to be a musician? Help the child set goals that are realistic of how much they can practice their instrument. Does your child wish to get better at math? Help them work out concrete steps that they can...