If there’s anything we have understood about homeschooling , it’s that fear can rear its dreadful head at any time to make you question your decision. Like for instance, when you realize that you have taken complete responsibility of the education of your child, amidst a culture that believes skilled professionals are required to teach young minds what they should know in life. Or times when you are completely exhausted and would give anything to take a day off. Combating the fear: When it comes to fighting off the fear, the vision you hold for your family serves as the strongest weapon. Your greatest successes with fear will come when your vision will remain in front of you: Why are you home schooling ? What results do you wish to achieve? What keeps you motivated? This will help you deal with the anxiety! Tackling burnout or exhaustion: Exhaustion or burnout can also happen to homeschooling parents. It is not just the traditional schooling parents who...