Parents looking to homeschool have to face myths, doubts and fears that keep them from homeschooling their children. This is an attempt to bust some myth, dispel fears and eliminate any fears regarding homeschooling that are preventing parents from getting their children home schooled. 1. My children don’t listen/ I don’t get along with them/they have an attitude problem Instead of avoiding or running from discipline problems that need to be handled, parents must embrace opportunities to train and teach their young ones to be obedient and respectful. They should learn to reach the hearts of their children, not only apply methods of punishment and behavior modification, but also build heart-to-heart relationships with their children. 2. I don’t have the right qualifications/ I can't teach Science and Math The education level of homeschooling parents is not a determining factor for successful homeschooling. Even if you are a high school dropout you can s...